Ama Hut HACHIMAN English Page Menue
What is woman diver hut experience?
The costume play of the woman diver for a child is served free.
Japan Tour
To tell the culture of “Ama” to the world.Visiting “Ama huts” of foreign tourists.
For Tour Information.
- 喜歡・隨筆 by mignon
- 水瓶女王vs老公仔
- 魔鬼甄與天使嘉
- 日本三重景點|八幡海女小屋|現烤海鮮.必吃伊勢龍蝦.體驗海女服~與美人魚海女共舞!」
- Ama Tour for Moslem Tourist in Toba,Japan
Free Shuttle bus “AMA BUS”
FREE WIFI AREA & Muslim Prayer Room
・TOBA aqua MIKIMOTO AMA hut HACHIMAN Eng pv 2mim.
・AMA hut HACHIMAN(海女小屋はちまんかまど) eng pv
Acces Ama Hut HACHIMAN
Hotel booking
The HOTEL in Mie with sufficient access to a central airport 中部空港
It is the optimum hotel for a family travel and a small group travel.
津駅Tsu station On foot 5 minutes
松阪駅Matsusaka station On foot 10 minutes
三重縣松阪市 ホテル ザ グランコート松阪サイト
Ama Hut HACHIMAN Scrapbook
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